A curated list of projects that I've worked on, this list consists of projects built as part of the learning process, live projects and open source projects which i contributed to
A crypto fintech web application for a startup for sending and receiving crpto and fiat funds. I am the Lead Frontend Engineer handling this project. Built majorly with React and Redux
Stack: React.js, Redux, Tailwindcss
A company that offers financial services inclusive of offering loans, savings, professional financial advisory and investment option. I designed and built the project from ground up
Stack: React and Tailwindcss
A mobile app for drivers to manage their trips and earnings. Built by integrated GPS tracking, real-time order updates, and delivery status notifications to enhance the customer experience and ensure efficient delivery operations.
Stack: React Native CLI, Redux, Google Maps API, Firebase
A 3D website where you can design a shirt to your desired taste and download your design, also give you access to upload designs from your device as you please...
Stack: React.js, Three.js, Tailwindcss
An open source music player on the web (ongoing). As a contributor, I built different components like the floating player controls and made it responsive
Stack: Next.js, Shazam Api, Tailwind CSS and Material UI
A social media app built with Material UI from ground up. The App is mobile responsive and has a switch between dark mode and light mode
Stack: Next.js, Material UI